Medicine Disposal

Safely dispose of unused prescription drugs in a secure drop box on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9:00am-4:30pm at the Russells Point Municipal Building

The Logan County Sheriff's Office also offers a secure drop box 24 hours a day in the lobby of the Sheriff’s Office.

Public Health & Safety Concerns
Unused medications in homes create a public health and safety concern because they are highly susceptible to accidental ingestion, misuse, and abuse. To provide a means to dispose of unused, expired or unwanted prescription medicines, the Russells Point Police Department and Logan County Sheriff’s Office have a secure and anonymous Drug drop off container.

Legal & Environmentally Friendly Disposal
Common methods for disposing of unused medicines include flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash, both pose potential safety and health hazards. The Drug Disposal program was implemented to ensure that unwanted medications are collected and destroyed using methods that are both legal and environmentally friendly.